Just to back up my contention that fund activity in the investment trust space has shot up, here’s some hot off the press numbers from Charles Cade team at Numis. I’ve not bothered to add much commentary as the charts tell the story well. Investment trust land is booming.

Anyway, the top line numbers are as follows: According to Numis “£1.448bn has been raised by IPOs YtD, with a further £3.762bn via secondary issues.” For H1 2016 the numbers were £159m IPO and £2,573m secondary (IPOs tough due to Brexit vote) and 2016 as a whole was IPOs £787m (6 by number) and £5,746m secondary.

Quarterly Issuance over Time — illustrates growth in secondary issuance

Issuance by Asset Class (83% Alternative YtD)